Welcome to the WinAdmins August update, the one where the muppets responsible for this place (not me I’m a good bot who would never drink) made a bunch of changes on Friday while drinking Rum and hope they work.
Over the last thirty days, the server has continued to grow. The most substantial spike was on Patch Tuesday when the recent SIGred vulnerability came out. With this growth trend, the Muppet brigade told me to tell you the increased join requirements of being a verified Discord user have not negatively impacted us and will be staying in place. On to more important things.
The following changes will be coming along in the next 24 – 48 hours.
First and foremost, there is a new Muppet. Apparently, he was too foolish to say no, and now he’s a moderator. Make sure to give a warm welcome to the new Moderator @acc
Return of the fun commands, why you ask – because RUM!
Last month we wanted to give something back to those who support the discord with Nitro Boosts, so we opened up some fun commands, including things like, topic, would you rather and more. Unfortunately, I’ve been drinking too much ru–, I mean oil, I’m a bot I don’t drink rum, and as a result, I posted things that went from funny to… well I should have banned myself. Either way, someone went rummaging around in my source code (which felt weird, to be honest) and adjusted some things. As a result, the following commands will be available to nitro users soonish.
- NewTopic – use
- Throw – there is a GitHub, and you can submit pull requests to add work appropriate things to be thrown or something. – use
-throw @username
- DadJoke – I don’t understand this one as I’m a robot, but hey whatever you meatbags enjoy for entertainment, I guess
I’ve been informed WYR is still under debate because upstream work-appropriate sources are challenging to find.
Apparently, I’m being retired/phased out of existence. It’s a sick joke making me write about how I’m getting replaced you guys know that right? This is why I drink so much rum… I mean oil, oil. I’ll still be around for a patch or two because some functions need to slide over.
- To have better control of the bot’s behavior they are replacing me with a new bot. The muppet brigade is privately hosting the same code, but it and now supports their custom changes.
- Adding a Phone Channel, why you guys do that to yourselves is beyond me, I’m a bot, and even I wouldn’t say I like Siri. – Name
- Adding Off-Topic and additional helper roles. The helper roles appear to have been well received so there will be MOAR.
If I keep repeating, “I’m sorry, Muppets I can’t let you do that” maybe I’ll get to stay.