Better put your booties on ‘cause it’s cold out there. Welcome to the WinAdmins February Patch Notes.
Community Heroes
We have been growing. In fact, we have over 7,800 meat popsicles on this server, and to that end, we are delighted to announce a new internal project.
Most everyone has heard of the concept of Microsoft MVPs. Well, we wanted to create our version of MVPs, and after many Saturdays filled with snacks, we finally are ready to announce the “Community Heroes” program.
Community Heroes will be given a unique role to stand out in the member list and have a dedicated channel with the WinAdmins staff to share their thoughts and ideas for the community. The WinAdmins community admin team selected the first group of Community Heroes as part of the program’s initial rollout; however, we anticipate turning over the reigns to the community to nominate heroes going forward. We’re still working out the details for how long each group will last before re-nominations happen.
The starting membership list will include:
- Adam Gross
- Chris Dent
- Chuck Lanctot
- Crom
- Missy Quarry
- Timothy Watson
For more information regarding this program, please see Community Heroes.
Community-Inspired Training
I don’t think anyone on the Admin Team expected the server to grow so much so fast, nor did we expect to accumulate so much knowledge from so many different experts. To that end, we are hard at work to try and develop a better community-driven platform that can aggregate all of those little pieces of Discord Wisdom people are sharing. If you would like to help out with operation code-named “0 to Hero” training, please let us know as we will be looking for help!
This project will not compete with any other community blogs or programs. The goal with this is to create something more like “Microsoft Learn” or “Udemy” but with some more “systems administrator real-world spice” thrown in.
Housekeeping Items
We have split apart the m365-and-on-prem
channel to better differentiate the associated components into:
Admin Team Contact Method
We now have a public-facing email address for contacting the Community Admin team. winadmins dot io
should be used to contact the Admin staff directly with any questions or concerns that you would rather do outside of Discord, or unban requests.
That’s all for now, folks, happy February.